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The number 10 symbolizes responsibility, law, and completeness. It also is a symbol of obedience and the authority if God/ the divine. The number 1010 is you angels way of letting you know you're entering a time for personal development, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment. Your angels ask that you remain optimistic and focus on where you're going. They encourage you to raise your vibration. Moving towards a higher purpose helps to attract abundance.

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The number 12 can be broken down by the two numbers that create it. 1 symbolizes perfection, harmony, motivation, and achievement. While 2 represents partnership and diplomacy. When you see the number 1212 this is your angels urging you to step out of your comfort zone. You are on your way to starting a new life and should begin to focus on achieving  your highest goal. Your angels suggest to work on your confidence and improve your state of mind. Your angels are working to help you. Focus on your goals and making yourself happy your angels will always have your back!

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Our angels want to remind us that we have all the skills that you need to achieve your goals. They also suggest that important relationships that you have may offer you help that you need. Angels are telling you that the universe is working behind the scenes to help you get where you need to be. So stay focused and follow your desires! Your guardian angels will always be by your side supporting you; as long as you live your life correctly. The number 1222 carries the energy of personal power. You should always go for what you want in life. Nothing should ever hinder your greatness. This number calls you to create a new life with the help of your actions, thoughts, and beliefs. Work to achieve balance and harmony you have the power to be whoever you want after all!

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Your angels want you to leave the past in the past. Before you understand the number 1234 you should know what each stands for individually. The number one symbolizes a fresh start, motivation, leadership, and initiative. The number two symbolizes faith and trust. As well as also encouraging communication. Three encourages you to have faith in yourself and connect more with your angels. Finally the number four symbolizes hard work, determination, and good organization. Four also represents steps needed to achieve something in your life, so be patient! 1234 are your angels letting you know of great opportunities that are coming towards you. Its the right time to show your skills to help you reach your goal. You don't have to worry about what others say. 


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When you see 8080 this is letting you know that something in your life has come to an end. Don't be alarmed. This ending is a part of your soul mission. This ending had to come in order for more abundance and new great achievements to begin. Your angels are trying to tell you to live with honor and truth. They have prepared good changes ahead that will be positive. Your angels also want you to begin taking more care of your finances; and you may be starting a career soon that is highly spiritual. 
Love: You have stable love relationships that will be calm and peaceful. When love finds there way into your life you'll do anything for it. 8080 is a message letting you know that love will soon find its way into your life, but you need more patience.  POSITIVE ATTITUDE=POSITIVE OUTCOME! Your angels are also reminding you that you are not alone and they are proud of you.

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