Season of the Maiden | Virgo Season

On August 23 the sun moved from the fiery sign of Leo to the mutable sign of Virgo. This season will remain until Libra on September 22! During this season you’re encouraged to embrace Virgo’s mutable energy and become more adaptable. Stay focused and keep up the good work!
What to expect:
This earth sign will have you wanting to refine your routines and get organized. After indulging in the fiery energy of Leo you’re being called to settle down and get back to business.
You may find yourself feeling a bit impatient and uneasy at the beginning of this season. Now is the perfect time for you to find a new flow. Is there a better way of managing your time to help you grow and plan your next movements? Virgos are known for being detail oriented. Embrace their gift of it, but be wary of getting too caught up with the little things.
This season will have you focusing on what’s going on in your life. Look at how it’s going to affect your future.

How to embrace Virgo Season:
Begin to reassess your self care routines. Have you been slacking? Virgo season is the perfect time to begin working on your health and well-being. Maybe a new health regimen or diet.
With Mars and Mercury in Virgo you’ll find the energy of the sign amplified even more. Embrace this energy and get down to the grind. Tackle your projects and watch yourself grow!
Focus on your work and how you can become more efficient in your life.
September 6, the new moon, will be the perfect time to plant seeds for the future. Create some magic!

How the season will affect your zodiac:
Aries: take time this season to rework your schedule. There’s plenty of time for you to start forming new habits. Focus on the details and develop a structured routine. You’ll be back to yourself in no time once you put the work in.
Taurus: Virgo’s grounding energy is helping light up your creative side. Keep the good vibes flowing and indulge in playfulness. Get out in the dating world and have fun! Let love come naturally whether old, or new connections.
Gemini: focus your energy on your home life this season. Indulge in some organization projects and clear the air with family members, friends, and roommates. Release emotional situations. Now’s a great time to clean up your space. Get back in touch with your roots and recharge.
Cancer: while your mind is on fire embrace Virgos detail oriented mind. Take time to fix up your social life and get ahead of your work. You’ll find your communication lines lighting up. Now's the time for you to be picky about the people you allow around you.
Leo: after enjoying a celebratory season you’re being called to clean up your finances. Form a budget for you and be meticulous about how you spend your hard earned money. You should be feeling better about yourself thanks to your season. Continue the great work!
Virgo: Happy Birthday! Initiate something new this month! However, be careful. Whatever you get involved with will stay with you. The sun in Virgo shines a light on your personal desires and how you present yourself to the world.
Libra: take this month for some reflection as you’re on the brink of transformation. Give yourself the space you need in order to hear your own inner voice. Your close friends will help to soothe your soul. Draw positive lessons from the past and release the baggage no longer serving you.
Scorpio: this month will be very social for you. While you should reinforce existing friends you should also seek to find new friends. You can replace toxic friends with positive new ones. Remember the power in positive thinking! Get in touch with your values and use it to help others. Giving back now can help you to gain things for yourself in the future.
Sagittarius: this month highlights your professional life. Avoid getting over critical of yourself. Rather be diligent and open minded. It’ll help you to get ahead of your work. Long term projects are getting ready to conclude. Finish strong!
Capricorn: life can be an adventure. Maybe take this time to find a new hobby. Do something to add a little variety to your life. Virgo will be lighting up your wild side. Embark on a new adventure. It’s time to step slightly out of your comfort zone!
Aquarius: Virgo will be taking your love life to the next level. While you may have fun you’ll also be catching feelings. Release any baggage you may have in intimate relationships. Address your issues and set clear boundaries.
Pisces: clean up your relationships and become more present, Pisces. Make sure you and your partner are being helpful to one another; and are on the same page. If you’re single, look for a partnership and don’t settle for second best. Work hard at your relationships and it will pay off!

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