December 12, 2020

December. A majority of the population’ favorite month. With all the holidays and the hope of the new year approaching it’s hard not to live the year looking forward to December. However, you don’t only have to look forward to the end of the month!
Today is December 12, 2020. Also known as 12/12, and like 11/11 there’s a portal to look forward to! The 12/12 portal is a time for cleansing your energy and getting rid of bad habits. The number 1212 stands for stepping out of one's comfort zone and starting a new life. The number 1212 wants you to begin focusing on your highest goals and expectations because your angels are working to help you reach them!
December 12 is when the awakened are meant to join together and spread love and compassion. 12/12 is the last portal of the year. Those who would like are encouraged to cleanse in order to be able to ascend to a higher frequency. The higher your frequency the closer you become to merging completely with the divine and your higher self. You’re asked to confront aspects of yourself that have yet to still be developed yet.
In order to truly be cleansed and ready to ascend you must first begin work of the heart. You must clear yourself of stored judgements, insults, and hurts. After you can replace it with love, compassion, and kindness. When you feel yourself becoming upset, angry, or annoyed in the future stop and think, ‘what led up to this?’ What actually is making you angry? You can begin by replacing the negative emotions with positive ones. Try gratitude! The energies that you send out are what returns to you. Be careful. Even when things are difficult you want to try and remain positive. This is only a section of your life, not the destination.
Finally, once you’ve confronted everything you can finally release it. You no longer have to continue carrying the baggage around, spiritually or emotionally. After doing all this you can walk into 2021 with a clean slate and a higher frequency.