
Happy Lammas! As August gets ready to swing into action we get to celebrate Lammas! While we’re now in the heart of summer, this holiday is here for us to get a sneak peek at the harvest getting ready to bloom for us in the fall. As August takes off, think about the year you’ve had so far and all the work you’ve put in. Now is the time you’ll begin to see your hard work paying off. Enjoy it! You’ve done the hard work you’ve earned the right to celebrate it!
Lammas is a holiday that’s celebrated mainly in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The holiday is celebrated at the beginning of August, usually the first, in between the summer and autumn equinox. This celebration marks the first of many harvests that are to come.
The holiday has been celebrated for many years. Some practices to celebrate the holiday were people making bread with the fresh wheat from the harvest. They would parade through the streets bringing it to their church to bless it. Once done they’d tear it into four pieces and place it with the freshly harvested wheat. It was thought to protect it from any negative energy. Some of the grains harvested at this time are wheat, sunflowers, mint, oats, rye, and so much more!

Symbols of Lammas
Grapes and vines
Dried grains such as wheat.
Corn dolls
Early fall vegetables such as squash. These are also a symbol of abundance and the harvest that’s yet to come in the fall.
Late summer fruits such as apples and peaches. These are a reminder of the transition that’s about to occur.
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