Mercury in Leo

On June 27 Mercury moved into the passionate sign of Leo. The communicative planet will stay in this sign until August 11, so be sure to take advantage of the energy! You’ll find yourself thinking about the way you express yourself greatly at this time. Which is no shock as Leo is all about being in the spotlight. So is there a better way you can embrace yourself and how you show others who you are! During this transit we’ll communicate boldly getting straight to the point. But be wary of your sharp tongue. Being overly opinions can lead you to troubled waters. Avoid creating drama, because sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.
Leo brings a refreshing burst of energy to help us get through the rest of the year. This new energy will help us embrace bolder new directions for even bolder new outcomes. Buckle up this is going to be a well deserved joy ride for everyone!
Important Dates during this Transit:
August 1: Sun in conjunction with Mercury opposite Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius. This conjunction will prove to be very energizing for us. Don’t be shocked if you find it hard to sleep, or have a headache. Be wary of self deprecating thoughts and prepare for changes in plans.
August 3: Mercury squares Uranus in Taurus. Get ready for strange dreams today. Avoid too much screen time. Remember to take time to turn it off and rest.
August 10: Mercury opposite Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius. There’ll be changes in plans that will leave you cranky, exhausted, and annoyed.

Crystals for Mercury in Leo
Blue Opal
Blue Lace Agate
Golden Pyrite

How Mercury in Leo will affect your zodiac sign
Aries: take time and get out of your comfort zone. Take some risks and spice things up. Embrace your passions! The world is yours to explore.
Taurus: you don’t need to go out to party, it comes to you. Even if you want to go out sometimes it can be more fun to stay in with your friends. It can be more fun and comfortable rather than getting all dressed up.
Gemini: people are willing to talk to you in a mature manor. This helps you understand your friends and family on a deeper level.
Cancer: this is a great time for you to start paying off some of the debts you have. Be honest and get real about your finances, love. You can create waves of cash, especially into your savings. It’ll set the tone for your future finances.
Leo: you’re going to be seeping with curiosity. You’ll seek out new ways to understand the works around you. The world is growing and so is your mind. If you’re feeling called to explore, who are you to stand in your own way?
Virgo: you’re opting to keep your thoughts to yourself. Drama is proving to be just that. Very dramatic. Nothing gets accomplished this way so you’re choosing to stay quiet.
Libra: a great time to reconnect with old and be friends. Your squad is your source of inspiration. Go out and spend time with them. They can help you to feel your dreams.
Scorpio: speak up for yourself. Especially in the workplace. You may hesitate, but you’ll be surprised by the response from your boss. Even if you don’t see results immediately.
Sagittarius: indulge in researching different views and cultures. You’ll find things very interesting. Open your heart and mind to all the world has to offer you!
Capricorn: call trusted friends and advisors for advice on ways to budget your money. You’ll find insight for the best ways to invest your cash. This'll prove to be very helpful.
Aquarius: this transit will make you in the mood to talk and engage with all your friends. You’re used to being work oriented. Your friends and loved ones won’t mind your playfulness!
Pisces: you’re getting very good with your time management. This may make you want to help friends and colleagues. Just be sure to maintain your boundaries. Some will take advantage of your kindness.
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