New Moon in Libra

Happy new moon my loves! October 6, 2021 the new moon will be in Libra. This is the first new moon of the autumn season and one of the luckiest ones! With the new moon in Libra you’ll find yourself focusing on finding the needed balance in your relationships before you can truly begin to expand. After this transit many of the planets that were in retrograde this year will begin stationing direct. Starting with Pluto tomorrow. Be sure to be open with what it is that you want, especially while manifesting! Set your intentions and get clear on your goals! During this transit remember that communication is key! Especially since Mercury is still in Retrograde. Be sure to set big intentions and get clear on your goals.
During this phase examine your relationship balances. Revise and transform them! The theme of this new moon is balance and self preservation. This is the start to the second half of your journey for the year. Look inward during this transit and the rest of the year! One important thing about this new moon is that it is opposite Chiron in Aries. Chiron has been in retrograde since July 15! This connection will create a space to heal where we neglect our own needs for the sake of others. It’s important to find the correct balance between others and yourself! While also reflecting on your relationships and embracing the healing that you’ve been experiencing. Light a candle and write your intentions in your journal to discover some solutions forward!

Ways to bring balance into your life this new moon!
Say Maybe: You don’t always have to be pressured to say yes to others, but you don’t always need to say no! Let your needs control the result of things. If you’re feeling tired it’s ok to have a night in!
Freshen Up! This is a great time to find what it is that makes you happy! You’re allowed to enjoy pleasure. You’re worth it! If you’ve been feeling down, get dressed up and put some makeup on. When you look good you feel good.
Revamp your Relationships: take time to find compromises and needed balance within your relationships. Be sure to listen to what others have to say as well! Communication is a two way street.
Decorate: spice up your surroundings this new moon! Whether with candles, flowers, or Halloween decorations brightening up your surroundings will help to brighten your mood.
Find your mind-body balance! Whether you do yoga, take a walk through nature, or meditate, find the balance you need in order to keep your own peace.

Crystals for new moon in Libra
Smoky Quartz
Clear Quartz
Pink Opal
Rose Quartz
Most Affected Signs

How this transit will affect your zodiac
Aries: take your power back this transit whether personally, or professionally! There’s many opportunities for improvement. Don’t be afraid to communicate your wants and needs! Get clear on your intentions. Your careers in the spotlight too! Keep an open mind and venture outside your comfort zone. Don’t settle for less!
Taurus: this new moon asks you to focus on yourself. Take a risk and go where you’re being called. You may also have advancements within your career as well. Prioritize your needs and find balance. Just because you have a routine doesn’t mean it’s not draining. Cut out what’s no longer serving you! Expect a professional breakthrough thanks to your hard work. You’ll find yourself ready for the benefits soon!
Gemini: there’s a lot happening this transit! Creativity, self-expression, and love are all on the table. Start fulfilling yourself this new moon. Communicate with others if you have trouble with your creativity. Have faith in yourself and put it to good use! Meditate and allow your imagination to thrive and create something magical! You may be surrounded by romance this new moon. Expose your own hidden truths!
Cancer: connect with others under this moon, my loves! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Energize and revisit old bonds. Make your space more comforting and inviting. Especially while Mercury Retrograde brings up old memories, but don’t push yourself too much! You’ll have change in your home/family life. Do what feels right! Libra calls you to focus on yourself and find the balance for you! You may even find solutions to financial problems that you’ve needed.
Leo: this new moon will be affecting your romance. Be sure that you’re advocating for what’s fair this transit. Mercury Retrograde could cause some confusion! Take this new moon to reinvent your style and approach. Whether your clothing, or how you communicate. Look at how others perceive you! Release old baggage that may have been dragging you down.
Virgo: this new moon asks you to take a real look at your budget. You have a new wave of financial prosperity on the horizon! Let yourself embrace your creativity and go easy on the self criticism! Be sure to manifest! You’ll be able to attract anything you put your mind to! Dedicate your energy to your growth! You’ll start to see your hard work pay off right before your eyes!
Libra: This is a powerful new moon, my dear. It is in your sign after all! Claim your identity and revise what’s no longer working for you! Be the change that you crave. With the new moon, Mercury Retrograde, and your season you’ve been on high alert. Be sure you’re your top priority. This is a lucky one for you. You're approaching your needed new beginnings, don’t worry about being too self protecting. You’ve earned it!
Scorpio: this new moon is right before your season begins! Take this time to release what’s not meant to be in your life. This will help to bring you a fresh perspective. Keep in mind your emotions as well! You’re allowed to own up to what’s been bothering you! Speak up! You have a mind shift approaching. Start to advocate for yourself! Rethink those you surround yourself with and their influence, especially with Mercury Retrograde in Libra.
Sagittarius: past opportunities are approaching with this new moon! Your hopes, dreams, and wishes are aligning. Be sure that you’re putting the needed hard work in. Thanks to this moon's opposition to Chiron you’ll find yourself focused on healing in different areas of life. Allow personal growth to be initiated with this new moon. Move towards your abundance! Be careful and thoughtful, and listen to your intuition! Embrace an optimistic approach to help fuel you!
Capricorn: set your intentions and map out your steps towards them! You’re losing your power! Start to embrace the flow rather than resisting! You have rewards approaching, but it’s going to take hard work! Remember patience is key at this time! There’s no need to rush. Have you been sacrificing your needs? Shift your path in a positive direction, so you can start bearing your fruits. Pluto moving Direct will help lead you to your abundance and worth.
Aquarius: this new moon is bringing you positive connections, and a larger connection to share your gifts! You’ve had plenty of personal growth this year and this new moon is no different! Share your new found wisdom with others. New lessons are waiting to come and show you new paths. Reflect on what you’ve learned and face the truth!
Pisces: work on your personal achievements this new moon. Embrace some out of the box thinking! Push beyond your current state of being. Trust your personal growth as new energy rushes in. You may find resolutions to problems as many planets including Pluto get ready to move directly this month. You’ll see a change of structure within your dreams and future visions.
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