Uranus Retrograde 2021

When: August 19, 2021- January 18, 2022
What that means: this retrograde will be taking place in the sign of Taurus still. The transit of this planet is slow; it spends 7 years in each sign. It’s been in Taurus since 2019 and will remain there until 2026! 40% (150 days) of its time is spent in retrograde on top of that! Though Uranus Retrograde helps bring out your best versions. Uranus rules personal/political revolutions. During this retrograde be sure that you’re following your own rules and not blindly following others. Keep an open mind and let go of limiting beliefs. With Uranus in Taurus we’ll find our attention being turned to self care. This transit will help to boost your self confidence to help use your voice and make the world a better place! Become confident with your self worth and step outside of your comfort zone! You have the opportunity to make grounded steps towards how you’d like to shift your life.
What to expect: during this transit expect more internalizing and reflecting on a larger scale. You’ll have game changing manifestation skills especially in an internal way. Reflect, revise, and gain clarity around the changes occurring all around you!

Important Dates of the transit:
August 20: Mercury in Virgo forms trine with Uranus. This trine will inspire thinking and conversations.
August 21: Mars in Virgo forms positive trine with Uranus. This trine will have you fired up and in the mood to let your inner freak flag fly. Let it shine. No point in putting yourself in a cage. Live up the rest of your summer.
September 6: New Moon in Virgo. You will have the ability to set positive intentions that will be uniquely yours. Embrace them as well as some rebellious energy that you may be feeling as well.
November 4: New Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus. You’ll be forced to deal with tense moments in intimate relationships you may have been avoiding.

How this transit will affect your zodiac:
Aries- your ego tends to get in the way of your ability to see the truth. Put yourself first! Find this who’s goals align with yours. If you’ve been thinking of making a career change, do it! Don’t let money concerns stop you. This could be the new financial gain you’ve been waiting for.
Taurus- you’ll feel this transit the most since it’s in your sign, Taurus. Don’t be shocked if you find others challenging your views. What’s worth fighting for? Release what no longer is. Only keep things that align with your true identity.
Gemini- you have numerous spiritual awakenings waiting for you this transit. If you feel like retracting and taking time to yourself, do it. It’ll aid your personal growth. Create new self care routines for yourself. Maybe even think about getting a therapist if you feel called to it.
Cancer- you give so much to others you end up putting your own needs and feelings aside. Establish new boundaries this transit and enjoy receiving for once! Seek new depths from your social circle.
Leo- take a different approach to your career this transit. Be sure you’re living to work and not vice versa. Find new creative approaches and put your finances at the front. Be sure you know your worth and demand fair pay!
Virgo- your anxiety is getting in your way this transit. Release and declutter your mind. Never feel guilty for taking time for yourself. Your desire for adventure is burning within you. Think of new places and things that you can learn and travel to. Expand your image of you!
Libra- you’ll find yourself looking at your foundation. Consider what your true values are. Get back in touch with you as well as your Venus. Maybe spruce up your makeup routine with some new items.
Scorpio- allow yourself to be honest. Say what you want, you don’t need to drop hints. Communication is important, especially in your relationships! Look at your control issues that you may have.
Sagittarius- during this transit seem new fitness and sleep patterns. It’s ok to break from your routines! Find new stress relief practices. Don’t be afraid to go for what it is that you want. You have the right to fight for anything. Especially when it aligns with your authenticity.
Capricorn- living at a slow pace and building your own speed is what you’re known for, Capricorn. Though not everyone has the same patience as you. Take time when making decisions, but be sure you’re not just procrastinating. Be sure to positively reflect on yourself. You have creative opportunities coming your way.
Aquarius- change up your environment, especially if you’ve been feeling caged lately. Move towards new beginnings. You may find yourself helping others around you. Be open to giving advice to those around you.
Pisces- remember to embrace yourself in this transit. Your self esteem could use some boosting. Look to your friends also for support! Find new ways to embrace and share your ideas. However, remember to think before you speak! Work on your communication and be sure you’re being heard!

Check out some of our other articles!
Taurus: https://constellations555.wixsite.com/crystalconstellation/post/as-stubborn-as-a-bull-taurus
Virgo Season: https://constellations555.wixsite.com/crystalconstellation/post/season-of-the-maiden-virgo-season
New Moon in Virgo: https://constellations555.wixsite.com/crystalconstellation/post/new-moon-in-virgo