Gypsy Gypsy Dance For Me
Updated: Jan 21, 2021
Walking down the road, you see a bonfire encircled by caravans. Each one with their own twist of color and decor. You hear a low mumble of speaking as you move your sachles behind your back as you inch in to see what the mumbles are. A group of interesting people sit around the bonfire with strange taste of clothing and an odd smell fills the air of exotic food. A simple gasp answered my curiosity. Gypsies.
Many have seen gypsies in spooky old shows, witchy movies, or even legends. All of which hold one similar foundation, gypsies are travelers. Band wagons and caravans hold the exotic culture of the gypsy people. Little is actually known about the original practices of gypsies but they are so popularly known for their non religious practices. They held Magic and superstition highly and are known to be great pracficinarrs of magical arts. It is said wherever they travel, folk magic follows. They are seen as outcasts and just like homosexuals, and Jews, they were targeted during the second World War. Being considered one of the largest minority groups, they have roughly 12 to 15 Million people; 70% reside in Eastern European.
How Do We Even Know About Gypsies?
The earliest date of gypsies was in 1417 in Germany when records show they claim to be exiled from “Little Egypt”. Since they had associated themselves to this, the Germans initially called them Egyptians but had slanged the term to Gypsies. Speaking Romany which is similar to Sanskrit, the gypsies had similar customs to those of Hindus.
Unknowing of the origin of the gypsies, this of course led to many legends of why they were condemned to wander the Earth as nomadic people!
Yahweh had scattered them after fleeing Egypt.
Survivors of Atalantis
Avoiders to the Safety of the Virgin Mary’s Flee to Egypt
Forgers of the Three Nails Jesus was Crucified With
Descendants of the Priests of Egyptian Goddess of Magic, Isis
What’s Up With Gypsies and Death?
Gypsies are afraid of death and their concepts of death of loved ones if quite strange. All of the possessions of the person that had passed, including their animals, are considered polluted and haunt the living unless it is buried with him or destroyed. Further into the depths of this fear, they believe the dead are angry and could return as vampires out of rage. To prevent vampires from coming after them, the gypsy people out cages up around the gravesite. To appease the vampire god, Gypsies would leave out rice balls and bowls of milk or animal blood. According to Occult World, the names of the dead have magical power and are used in ceremonies and invocations.
Deities & Spirits of Gypsies:
Del: God and the heavenly bodies above
Pharun: a long lost god from “Little Egypt” that is said to be considered a great pharaoh.
Beng: The Devil complex which has a tail, reptilian appearance and is ugly, source of all Evil
Alako: god of the moon, defender of the gypsies and taker of souls after death, originally Dundra who was the son of God that taught humans law but ascended to the Moon (becoming a god).
Fire: a divine element that is worshipped for healing, protecting, preserving health and punishing evil.
Next time you walk into Party City, take a step back and think twice about purchasing a Gypsy costume. A lot of pain, traveling, running away, and judgement had built up the reputation of the gypsy people. Learning about the culture and the ways of the gypsies may even draw out a curious thought to indulge in the gypsy culture.