Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is the chakra that influences unconditional love and emotional power. Not to mention aids in acceptance and forgiveness. Located in the middle of your chest, it plays the bridge between earthly matters and higher aspirations. Knowing all the affects the heart chakra has on you, what should you do if yours is blocked?
First how do you know if your heart chakra is closed? When your heart chakra is closed it can cause many issues. For example, it can cause a feeling of disconnect. It can also cause a lack of empathy. If left unchecked it can even turn into manipulative behavior. There are many signs you are given in order to tell if your fourth chakra is closed:
Hold onto grudges. When you hold onto grudges you aren’t hurting the other person at all. In fact you’re doing more damage to yourself. Holding onto pain keeps you from experiencing joy.
Experience trust issues. When you have trust issues you are blocking your heart from betrayal. That doesn’t sound like a bad thing; but it keeps you from trusting others. It may also be attracting someone who will betray you.
You feel shy. This could mean that you are overly critical of yourself
You’ve been keeping your emotions bottled up.
Struggle with commitment issues. You're afraid to join into another partnership due to the overwhelming fear of betrayal; or even rejection.
Put yourself last.
Feel anxious and stressed.
Even with all signs pointing to your heart chakra being closed there’s still hope! Don’t worry too much. All seven of your chakras won’t be open 24/7. Here’s some ways that you can open your heart chakra:
Accept your emotions, express them, and let go.
Show love to yourself as well as other things. You don’t always have to put others first. At the end of the day you have to go home to you. Make sure you’re ok before you ask someone else. You owe yourself that much. Also show love towards other things. Such as a plant, a pet, or even simply Mother Nature.
Practice chest opening yoga poses.

Your heart chakra enhances our emotional development. When it is open it enhances our emotional development. We begin to recognize that the most powerful energy on this earth truly is love.