New Moon in Aries

Today, April 11, 2021, is the new moon in Aries. This will also be the midpoint that Mars trines with Jupiter. This means that you’ll have a greater amount of ambition and good judgement pushing you to want to succeed in your goals.
With Aries energy there’s a call for us to bring our attention back to ourselves and our own ambitions. This’ll be a great time to start new projects even if it means having to accept help from others. The overwhelming fiery energy of Aries will help push you towards your passions. Allow it to help with your stagnancy and shift you towards greatness! Sometimes being impulsive can be more helpful than not. Align with the wishes you hope to attract and focus on what you want. Remember your thoughts and words are powerful.
Crystals for the New Moon in Aries:
Azurite: helps tap into imagination, creativity, and intuition. It also encourages us to think outside the box!
Aragonite: crystal of leadership. Helps through transformation, positive changes, and authenticity.
Red Jasper: stone of courage, strength, stamina, and action.
Carnelian: this motivation stone is perfect for motivation. It will help push you to take control and embrace your divine masculine.
Red Calcite: helps with setting healthy boundaries with others so that you can focus on your goals.
Lithium Quartz: this crystal is great for reducing anxiety. As well as helping you go with the flow and remain positive.
How will the new moon affect your zodiac?
Aries: this is your new moon I hope you’ve been enjoying your season! Under this moon set some fresh goals for yourself and let your creativity shine through. Speak your truth and feel your emotions. Enjoy being you!
Taurus: take time out for yourself Taurus. Especially during this time. This new moon may leave you feeling a bit strained. Get in touch with yourself! Catch up on some self care, even if you just take a nap.
Gemini: embrace your social side, you're a Gemini after all! Start fresh along with the new moon by being the leader you’re meant to be. Make plans whether just a night in, or a new adventure for your posse and you to enjoy!
Cancer: your sign is one that will be affected by this new moon. Embrace the energy of it, and overcome the limitations that you may be placing on yourself. Begin embracing your assertive side! It’s time to explore your professional life. Spring for that promotion at work that you want. You definitely earned it! Assert your dominance so you can begin to start shining bright.
Leo: Time to begin a new adventure. There’s no limit when it comes to what you can manifest, dear Leo. Begin manifesting your dreams! Maybe even do something outside of your comfort zone.
Virgo: while it’s in your nature to run from what you don’t know try to fight this instinct. Especially during this new moon. Maybe even look into what’s been weighing on you financially, or spiritually. Attack it rather than let it weigh on you.
Libra: another one of the most affected signs of this moon is Libra! While love may be in the air for you relationships are meant for just people pleasing! Even after taking time for yourself during your past full moon you still deserve to pamper yourself! Make sure there’s equal give and take! Become an advocate for yourself and your own dream.
Scorpio: this new moon should be the push you need to get in control of your daily routine. Let the motivation of Aries radiate through you! It’s time for you to take a more productive approach in your day to day.
Sagittarius: the new moon is in fellow fire sign energy. It will light your live life ablaze (in a good way of course!). If you’re single maybe go on a hot date. If in a relationship take a break from your romantic routine. Reignite your creativity.
Capricorn: take control of your heart; whether romantically or with family matters! Rather than categorizing your emotions so you can focus on other worries, take the time to feel them. You’ll be surprised how freeing it can be. Let go of petty grudges and learn to forgive and forget.
Aquarius: in this new moon branch out and get connected with others! You have so many ideas and passions within you. Let them guide you. Others around you may even help! Put all ideas to good use. Whether making your own YouTube channel to posting a tik Tok. Your creativity could be the start of it all!
Pisces: you’re being offered a clean slate with everyone else during this new moon. It’s time for you to begin stepping up your game. Begin manifesting no matter how big you may think it is. Nothing is too big for you; or the universe!