New Moon in Leo 8/8

On August 8 the new moon will be in the sign of Leo. This moon will have you rethinking your path. You may find surprising solutions to tedious problems or tough emotional issues you have. This new moon is an opportune time to awaken your senses. You may find yourself being asked out by many as Leo energy is pushing everyone into their confidence to follow their hearts. Though, if you already found the one, spend some time with them! Kick back and appreciate each other. Allow yourself to embrace Leo and feel sexy. Remember to hold onto the energy of Venus in Virgo and continue making healthy decisions. Let Leo inspire your creativity.
While the new moon will fuel surprising change, it’s also taking place on the Lions Gate Portal peak! The Lions Gate opens when Sirius returns to the sky moving into alignment with the sun in Leo. The Portal is one of the luckiest days of the year. You’ll see your spirit beginning to brighten. This transit bears gifts of abundance. Your new moon intentions will quickly begin manifesting into your reality. Be open to change for amazing results!

Crystals for the New Moon in Leo
Moonstone: helps manifest abundance.
Citrine: great catalyst especially for Leo. Helps bring good luck, fortune, and abundance.
Carnelian: great fiery crystals for fire signs. But be wary of too much fire energy.
Gold Sheen Obsidian: helps bring your hidden talents toward. Time to integrate your shadow aspects to the light.
Peridot: helps manifest abundance. Will help to bring confidence to act on your heart's desire.

Most affected signs
Leo: embrace your authentic self. Don’t be afraid to bring your purpose forward and lead with your heart!
Virgo: pay attention to ideas that you’ll be having this transit. Embrace Leo and let yourself be spontaneous!
Aquarius: Let go of old habits that no longer serve you! Open up to sharing your ideas with new people. You have a creative future ahead of you!

How will the new moon affect your zodiac!
Aries- the transit will help you to open up and talk about your desires more. Don’t blow your budget out of wanting to turn on the romance. It doesn’t matter how much you spend, but who you’re with. Leo helps you to unlock your ambitious passions. Meet new people in different social circles.
Taurus- you’ll be drawn to make changes to matters surrounding your security. Make future plans about your home and living situation. Also make plans to hang out with your friends. Leo activates your aesthetics, also empowering you to embrace your romantic and crafty side.
Gemini- you’ll tune into your dreams for inspiration. Take a stand and disconnect from negativity. Become a positive force. Think before you set your intentions. Now is a great time to create a social circle that aligns with the person you’re becoming.
Cancer- you’ll find exciting new ways to boost your cash flow. Get your finances in order and take charge of your spending habits. Find the sense of security you need. You’re awakening under the new moon. Embrace your ambitions and absorb Leo’s confidence to put forth the bold action to see your plans through.
Leo- reflect in the strategies you use to command the spotlight. Take a look at the direction you wish to be moving in in your career. Be sure you’ll be successful on the path that you're on. You’ll be amplifying during your new moon. Embrace your childlike wonder and let it guide you!
Virgo- start preparing to take a major leap of faith while also focusing on healing yourself. Take time to rest your heart and mind in order to align your energies. Don’t be afraid to let loose and be more spontaneous. During this transit tap into your creativity to bring out your carefree and curious wonder. Create beyond your limit, love!
Libra- look at your friendships and groups that you associate yourself with. Think about your comfort level. Be sure you have things in common with those that you seek to introduce into your circle. Try not to get too deep too fast. Are those around you taking their ambitions seriously? If not, find new people.
Scorpio- move into a new direction regarding your career. Fight for the raise, or promotion you’ve been aiming for! Be mindful of what it is you truly want. You’ll have new ideas to help you make new decisions and opportunities for your finances. You’ll be able to see the path to financial stability clearly.
Sagittarius- now is your time to get out of your comfort zone. Get ready for some new routines. Implement your wisdom on the world. You can help others grow as you do. You have abundance and luck thanks to the moon and your dare to dream attitude. Don’t be afraid to expand your horizons!
Capricorn- you’ll be craving deep connections and romance. Be in the moment it’ll help you continue in the right direction. Work on the debt you’ve amassed and take initiative over it; while also working on your self confidence! If you put in the inner work you’ll see yourself shine. Get ready to celebrate!
Aquarius- get ready for a new approach to a shared goal you have with others. Relationships are hard. Remember that it takes two to work things out. Leo helps you to connect with others on a spiritual level. Consider who you allow into your circle. Embrace Leo and lead with your heart!
Pisces- reimagine your grind and take care of yourself. Standing up for what you need helps affect how you feel emotionally, mentally, and physically. Plan ahead, but don’t forget to make time for your friends! Put your ideas and desires on display, Pisces! This moon will help you to get in alignment with your creativity. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!

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Leo Season: