Seeing with no eyes.
Bonnie Bennet.
Oliver Queen.
Charles Xavier.
Black Widow.
A vast amount of characters coming from different universes; but what do they all have in common? Clairvoyance. Though fictional characters, a true gift given to some living among us today. Do you think that you could possibly have these gifts? Before you scoff and shoo the idea from your head. Stop. Take the time to look. It’s possible that you could without even knowing. Below are the four types of claire gifts that some possess.
1.Clairvoyance: clear seeking. One of the most common claires it means possessing knowledge of information not necessarily known to another person. This means you could be using your third eye to perceive information using imagery. Here are signs that you may have these gifts:
You have mental images randomly that come in flashes.
It is easy for you to visualize/imagine things. This can also come across to you as daydreaming.
You see flashes of color, numbers, or symbols. These can be perceived as glowing lights and floating orbs.
Visions come to you that can appear to be like watching a movie
2. Clairaudience: This means hearing someone besides yourself speaking in your head. No you’re not crazy this actually could be the case. The voice would be the same and speak in a calm tone. This could be the angels, spirits, or simply those in Heaven. They would come to you in short messages. Clairaudience is one of the more easier intuitive gifts to have. Here are some signs you have it:
Ringing/pressure in the ears. This could come across as a buzzing or echoing. When you hear this it could mean that your spirit guide is present, or around you.
You prefer to learn through auditory. Whether in school or just in life you do better listening.
Inspiration and ideas seem to just flow through you. You are a person full of never ending creativity.
You talk to yourself. This could be spirit speaking through you.
You seem to be a comfort and guide to others around you. Friends, even family may seem to turn to you for advice; or your input.
You have a sensitive, deep connection with music. Lyrics to songs tend to hit you differently than others.
You had imaginary friends when you were younger.
3. Clairsentience: Another word for messages from above. These messages come through as a feeling. Also known as your gut feeling. This everyone possesses whether they’d like to admit it or not. This is using your gut instinct to make a decision. Some signs that you can have this trait are:
You are able to sense others emotions. You do this by being able to read or simply sense their energy. Sometimes and can feel like energy is heavy in the air. Like before a storm or after an argument.
You can be super sensitive to other pain. It can almost be like you can physically feel their pain.
You have difficulty dealing with big crowds. Feeling so many energies at once can be very overwhelming. Especially for someone who doesn’t know how to control it. Being around too many people can also feel like it is draining you.
Your mood tends to change very quickly.
You have a strong gut feeling.
4. Claircognizance: This is the ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge without knowing how or why. This means that you can gain information through intrinsic means. You could gain information about a person through an object, skill set, or even environment you’re in. Here are some signs that you have this gift:
You tend to just know things.
You can just awake with insightful answers to problems.
Your gut instinct is always correct.
Friends can use you as an intention detector. They trust your opinion because they know you’ll be correct in your judgement.
Ideas can just pop into your head out of nowhere. Sometimes they don’t even make sense.
You can tell automatically when someone is lying.