Unlocking A Whole New World!
Updated: Nov 15, 2020

There was silence except for the haunting sound emitted from the song bowl as it was struck. For a second you thought it didn’t work. Until you felt the pressure in the center of your head. As your third eye finally opened fully it felt like you had been awoken from the deepest slumber. Honestly this is what you imagined Sleeping Beauty or Snow White felt when they were brought back to reality. But what does that mean? What does your third eye chakra really do? And how do you know when it’s blocked?
The third eye helps with your connection to wisdom and insight. It gives you access to inner guidance that comes from deep within your being. When operating correctly your third eye chakra should be able to cut through illusions and give you access to deep truths. It’s encouraged to be mindful and live in the present moment. You don’t always have to be worrying about what’s the next step you need to take. When you are more engulfed in the present you are more peaceful, have increased intuition, increased spiritual growth, and in some cases are able to predict things not seen in the physical realm.
While everyone hopes to have a properly open third eye; it’s not always realistic. Your third eye chakra can be balanced, underactive, or even overactive.
Signs You Have a Balanced Third Eye:
You have a great memory.
You are optimistic.
You have a heightened sense of awareness.
You are very observant of others. You may even find yourself watching others.
You can recall your dreams vividly.
You have a calm mind.
Signs You Have an Overactive Third Eye:
You may feel like you have too much energy. Too much energy can sometimes mae you feel like you’re floating.
You receive signs of mental instability.
You have anxiety.
You have nightmares.
You have hallucinations.
You have a hard time concentrating.
Signs You Have an Underactive Third Eye:
You're unable to set goals for yourself.
You’re narrow minded.
You may lack imagination.
You have a poor memory,

Your third eye can act as an alarm. Balancing and opening it can allow you to expand awareness and help you see truths others may not. Your third eye is so much more important than you realize. If you have an overactive third eye it could mean as a child you closed it out of fear, or its closed due to calcification over time. This normally happens if you don’t actively exercise it.
Ways to Decalcify Pineal Gland (Third Eye):
Organic chaga mushrooms. I'm not suggesting you go out and buy them. The Gem Goddess on Youtube suggested it in a video. I’ve been taking them for a few weeks now; and I’m starting to see the changes. Always do research before purchasing something!
Try to avoid things with fluoride in it. Fluoride can be in tap water and even toothpaste. You can filter it out, and toothpaste fluoride free is available.
Drinking or Taking Apple Cider Vinegar. This helps remove calcification that may have already formed.
Calcium. Healthy calcium not the stuff that you find in processed foods of course.

Just because your third eye chakra is blocked or overactive doesn't mean it has to stay like that. It’s up to you what you want to do. You can always start slow and listen to a third eye chakra meditation.
Learn more about your chakras! Visit our other articles!
Heart Chakra: https://constellations555.wixsite.com/crystalconstellation/post/heart-chakra
Chakras: https://constellations555.wixsite.com/crystalconstellation/post/chakras
Link to Gem Goddess Youtube Video:
DISCLAIMER: This is not an advertisement. Nothing listed above is sponsored. Do research before buying ANYTHING! Just because something works perfectly for one person means it will do the same for you.
Works Cited
Katherine HurstKatherine Hurst used to live a normal life until something happened that changed her life forever. She discovered the Law of Attraction and began a new. “The Side Effects And Dangers Of Opening Your Third Eye (Ajna).” The Law Of Attraction, 2 Nov. 2020, www.thelawofattraction.com/dangers-opening-third-eye/.
Scientist, Spiritual, et al. “How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland? Decalcify Pineal Gland - Decalcifying, Detoxifying & Activating Pineal Glands (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra).” Decalcify Pineal Gland, 12 July 2016, decalcifypinealgland.com/how-to-decalcify-the-pineal-gland/.
Team, the Healthline Editorial. “Pineal Gland Function, Location & Definition | Body Maps.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 23 Jan. 2018, www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/pineal-gland.