Vampire: myth or fact?
Undead with an unquenchable thirst for blood. That’s the popular view of vampires. When you think Halloween most people’s thoughts drift to the classic monsters. Vampires, werewolves, and witches (oh my). The thing is vampires are very much real, and in our day to day lives. Though it’s not the bloodthirsty monsters that have become so popular.
The legend of vampires began in Romania with the popular Vlad the Impaler. Vlad ruled Romania from 1456-1462. He was known to be ruthless against his enemies. Vlad would impale those opposed to him and many believed he would dine amongst them as they died. Even going as far as dipping bread in their blood. Surprisingly these rumors are what made so many believe that he was a vampire. Vlad the Impaler would become known as the infamous Dracula. Many horror stories would be created based on this idea of him drinking others' blood.
There are other stories that lead to the belief of vampires. In the Middle Ages many diseases plagued people. One of these was porphyria. This is a blood disorder that causes severe blisters on the skin, and in the mouth, when exposed to sunlight. Ironically it is temporarily relieved when blood is ingested. It appeared to some that blood was dripping from their mouths as if just having drained a victim.
While the vampires are a fun tale to scare us they do exist. They aren’t necessarily the bloodsuckers created. Psychic vampires/emotional vampires are people that like off of others' life forces. There are a few different types of emotional vampires:
Narcissist- ‘me first’ These types of people hog attention and lack empathy. They also limit unconditional love.
Victim- ‘poor me’ These types of people believe that the world is against them. No matter how much you try to help them they believe that there is no solution.
Controller- These types of people seek to control you. They try to tell you how to feel and act. Even going as far as invalidating your emotions. Sometimes after hanging out with them you end up feeling dominated.
Constant Talker- These people are only concerned with themself. When you are around them it seems like you can never get a word in. Even if you say anything they’ll ignore it and continue to talk about themselves.
Drama Queen- These people make a small incident into major drama. They have an excessive need for validation and attention.
Yes I’m our everyday lives we can’t help the vampires we run in contact with. However, there are ways you can protect yourself.
Set boundaries
Control your emotions. Always try to remain calm when you’re around them.
Become more assertive.
Kill them with kindness.
Let go of the relationship. Sometimes you can’t help the person, yet they still drain you. If this is the case sometimes you have to let someone go for your own good.
Now you can put away the garlic and loosen up your neckties. No, there won’t be any vampires coming to drink your blood. Though you definitely should take care to protect against emotional vampires. They can do just as much damage as killing you.