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Burning From the Same Flame Means Fighting For Fulfillment

Love. It’s one of the forces of nature that through the years could never be explained. The butterflies in your stomach and heart doing backflips is really just the beginning. Love comes on different shapes, sizes, sex, and colors. Everyone has their own types of relationships they associate with love. In any lifetime one of the best love connections any one can have is with their twin flame.

A twin flame relationship is different from a soul mate connection. The idea of a twin flame is one soul was broken into two. This is why when you give a twin flame connection you feel it strongly. You only have one twin flame when you can have multiple soulmates.

Though not many people realize they are looking for a twin flame they tend to come across them when least expected. However, just because you find them doesn’t mean that’s it! In fact many people go through twin flame separation. This can last for a couple of months to even years!

Reasons for Twin Flame Separation:

  • Immaturity. This means one of you, or even both of you have some more growing to do. Once you’ve reached your maturity you’ll find your way back to each other. These things just take time.

  • Not enough self love. This means exactly what it says. If you don’t truly love yourself you can’t expect to be able to truly love someone else. The way you love yourself should be your guidelines. So before you begin looking for someone else to love make sure you love yourself. As RuPaul says, “If You Can't Love Yourself, How In The Hell Are You Gonna Love Somebody Else.’

  • More lessons to learn. This goes hand in hand with maturity. You have more lessons to learn before you’re ready to settle down. But don’t be discouraged! I mean you can’t rush perfection after all.

  • You must heal more! Sometimes there are past traumas we still need to heal from. Whether from part relationships or childhood traumas. You want to be 100% your best before bringing another person in.

  • Someone else better on the way. Sometimes you can mistake a soulmate for a twin flame. Don’t freight. This means there’s someone else better waiting for you!

As time has passed and more Twin Flame relationships have been discovered there’s been more knowledge gathered on them. While every relationship is different, of course, many have found a similar pattern. While the separation of twin flame isn’t always destined to happen, there have been 8 stages to the twin flame reunion. It is common to go through them before you get your happily ever after.

Stages of Twin Flame Reunion:

1 Yearning: this stage usually lasts the longest. This is before you meet your twin flame. You’ll begin feeling like something/ someone missing in your life. However, this won’t last forever. Someone is waiting to come in.

2. Meeting: this stage is exactly what it sounds like. You meet your twin flame. The only thing is this can be in the astral world like in a dream; or in reality. You can meet them and not even realize it! Though for most you do meet in reality.

3. Falling in Love: after meeting a few times your fascination with each other beings causing you to fall in love. It's very intense so don't hold anything back. It may feel like you have no control, but that's ok! Just go with it. That's the beauty of life and a twin flame relationship. You don't always have to be in control.

4. Dream Relationship: it may begin to feel like you’re living in a fairytale. Things are perfect. Everything feels like a dream and nothing will go wrong. This usually is attributed to the feeling of safety.

5. Turmoil: This stage begins once the ‘honeymoon stage’ ends. At this point flaws and insecurities begin creeping into your mind. With this fights may begin; and it feels like you should walk away from it all.

6. Running and chasing : with this stage one of the pair may run. When this happens they may end up ignoring each other. This stage could last for years. With a bit of ignoring one another and no physical interactions it’s difficult to rekindle the relationship. It all depends on the growth you each have while apart.

7. Surrender: at this point you both realize you’re helpless to avoid each other. With that you stop forcing the separation, and come back to one another.

8. Reunion: this is the best stage of all. You can finally take a deep breathe and feel the weight lift off your chest. It feels like coming home. Finally being on the same vibrational level can take a while depending on how long it takes.

Finding your twin flame is invigorating, fulfilling, and requires patience. Just like any relationship that is worth fighting for, it takes time and the patience of a saint. Love at first sight might be a myth but love at first twin flame is inexplicable. Take the risk. Take the leap. Twin flame is around the corner.

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