Different Types of Witches

Witches have been referred to throughout the ages. Whether depicted in fairy tales such as Hansel and Gretel where she's a decrepit old hag trying to steal children and eat them; or in history being burned at the stake for using her powers for harm. Most of the times we’ve learned about witches they’ve been on the receiving end of backlash for decades. However, as times change and more and more people begin to wonder about the actual meaning of a witch. Now is the perfect time to learn what they truly are, and the gifts they possess. While there are many different types of witches out there in this article I will call attention to several of the popular types of witches I have come across, or identify with personally. However, many don’t define themself as simply one witch, but a mixture of many traditions and personal rituals molded together!
Traditional Witch: a traditional witch is one that’s based on the history of witchcraft even before Wicca. Many take on traditions that have been passed down and learned from ancestors. These witches honor the old ways and look at their history in the highest regard. This helps to preserve folk beliefs, traditions, customs, and other historical magical rituals. Traditional witchcraft includes things such as spell work, divination, herbalism and more. While they may be dependent on cultural background, time period, region, and even climate they also incorporate elements of the new. However,many practicing traditional witches look to honor their saints, ancestors, and other deities in their practice.

Sea Witch: a sea witch is someone that has strong ties to the ocean. The water element will be used a lot in their practices. Sea and ocean magic uses sand, driftwood, and other elements from the sea in practice and on altars. Other items used on their altars include beach sand and ocean water. While when it comes to performing rituals and spells many take place on the actual shoreline, and align rituals with the tides. Some find themselves being drawn to being a sea witch due to strong ties to sea deities such as Yemaja, Poseidon, Aphrodite, or other sea spirits like mermaids and krakens. Most importantly sea witches tune into the energy of the sea and feel the pulse of the ocean.

Green Witch: a green witch also known as a garden/forest witch is very connected with Earth energy. They work with plants, animals, crystals, and especially herbs in their practice. Herbs and plants are used to create potions in natural ways. Green witches heavily rely on plants, herbs, and flowers to understand how to heal themselves and their environment. Their deep connection to vegetation and land is why you’ll find so many of them living in nature. They love to be in and near nature, being as close to Gaia as possible. These witches are able to draw on the energy of nature easily while honoring it. Earth is everything including animals, plants, and stones. This is why it’s easier for green witches to see how humans are so drastically impacting the Earth.

Elemental Witch: an elemental witch is one that studies and practices are based on the four elements: air, water, fire, and earth. Their magic is based on honoring each element. However, many of these witches find that one of the elements speaks to them more than the others. This is why they’ll build an altar for just one element. When performing spells, rituals, and casting they call on one or more of the elements. Feeling a connection to energies and structures helps them to draw their energy. This is why they can generate results by focusing on each element. Elemental witches are known for being very sensitive to feelings, energies, and emotions.

Cosmic Witch: contemporary witches that follow the astrological movements are known as a cosmic witch. They look at cosmos, astrology, and astronomy for their craft. Following planets and the alignment of the stars. Cosmic witches use plants and celestial movements as a source of energy. Their strong connection to the cosmos helps them to feel their energy heighten when working with the planets. These witches look to moon magic, birth charts, and more to help them understand their craft more. A popular ritual taken from the cosmic witch book is manifesting during the new moon. The dark moon is a great time to celebrate and form new beginnings.

Hedge Witch: a hedge witch is someone who is able to venture into the underworld and send messages between the worlds. The word hedge means boundary making a hedge witch a boundary between this world and the spiritual. In the Middle Ages a hedge witch used to use their magic to protect their crop. These witches practice astral projection as well as herbalism. However, many of these witches are solitary with no forms of training. They’ve learned their craft through apprenticeship, or learning about it themself. Hedge witches don’t usually use formal traditions and Wiccan rituals. While they still use herbs, plants, tarot, and crystals. These witches are able to work their magic in a coven or alone. Unlike many other witches a hedge witch uses their power normally for themself and their family rather than just anyone.

Kitchen Witch: a kitchen witch does just that they find magic in the kitchen. They love to cook, brew, and use herbs. These witches combine personal and individual magic to create their own practice. They pull energy from many things such as essential oils, herbs, foods, everyday objects to create spells, rituals, and magic. While meditation, folk magic, and charms are also very important in this practice. Dolls can be used as charms to ward off evil/bad spirits. Kitchen witches embrace organic living and have their own home apothecary that they learn their own traditional herbal medicine in. After all, the kitchen is the heart of the home.

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