As Above So Below.
‘Be careful what you wish for ‘cause you just might get it.’ The law of attraction is the belief that you attract what you give off in life. The law is 1 of 12 universal laws. Positive thoughts bring positive outcomes and the same for negative. The law of attraction includes everything that comes in and out of life due to the magnetic power of thought. Everything in the world has energy, and can have an effect on you!
7 Laws of Attraction:
Law of Manifestation: What you think about is mirrored in your everyday life. The more positive you are the more positive the outcome. They can have an effect on all aspects of life.
Visualize Goal- Begin by having a clear goal image of how life will change once you have what you’re manifesting. Make sure you are the center of the visualization.
Meditate on Desires- Make sure to meditate! The focusing mind helps to prevent overthinking.

When trying to focus you become more aware of your own thought patterns. You may be aware that you tend to think more negatively unconsciously. You can change that!!
Don’t Question the Universe Too Much- When manifesting a goal it is important not to be totally focused on the how and when. Don’t worry so much. The universe has your back and won't allow anything bad to happen to you. You will know when is the right time to act.
Have Conviction- I know that it is a basic instinct to doubt yourself; but try not to. When the doubting thoughts cloud you can cancel out what you’re manifesting without meaning to.
Examine Self- Make sure you keep actions towards others kind, compassionate, respectful,
and tolerable. Basically treat others how you’d like to be treated. (As above so below).
Show Gratitude- Be grateful for what you have right now, as well as what’s on the way. When we are ungrateful we receive nothing. The universe doesn’t owe us anything after all.
Be Generous- Don’t hoard what you receive. Abundance attracts more abundance, so don’t be greedy!
Take Positive Action- Remember you must also act on opportunities. You can’t wait for the universe to do all the work for you. Take action with positive steps towards what you are manifesting.
Law of Magnetism: this law focuses on we are just like magnets. In this concept, we all bring forth things into our lives that are dominant thoughts we let reside in our minds. Therefore, the energy you put out you will receive back.
Vibrational Resonance: vibrational echo long before you reach a moment in life your energy was already there.
Through emotional vibration (feeling)

Cognitive Energy (thoughts)
Physical Energy (Vibrations of Body)
Law of Unwavering Desire: Intentions are free of doubt, and must be stable and certain. Think positivity while also focusing on achieving your goals. You will be guided by pure intentions free of fear, doubt, and desperation certain of good outcome.
Law of Delicate Balance: this law reminds us that we must balance ourselves by being grateful for what we have now in the present moment. We may look towards the future in longing because we know what awaits, but don’t neglect the here and now. Keep goals in mind and work towards them. Avoid becoming anxious, desperate, or even obsessed.
Law of Harmony: This law asks us to align ourselves with the universe and environment to tap into true power. Harmony is the flow of life and everything strives for harmony and balance. The universe works in perfect harmony, balance and alignment. Align with positive you will help you receive positive. Karma is also used to attain harmony.
Law of Right Action: How you treat others and the world around you will come back to you. Kind of like what goes around, comes around. Therefore, doing the right thing brings positivity. You must do the right thing and this will get you to the right mindset which allows for you to take action.
The Law of Universal Influence: Our energies affect those around us and everyone is connected in some way, thought, belief or action. Therefore the more positive you are more, the more positive things you will be attracting to you.

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Works Cited
“8 Tips for Using the Law of Manifestation.” 8 Tips for Using the Law of Manifestation - Operation Meditation,
“The Law of Magnetism.” Global Spiritual Market,
“The Universal Law Of Harmony.” Mad Mimi, 24 Oct. 2019,
“Understanding the 7 Universal Laws of Attraction.” 7 Laws of Attraction,
Wood, Kendall. “11 Ways To Understand The Law Of Attraction & How To Use It To Get What You Want.” Bustle, Bustle, 15 Dec. 2016,