Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020 | Sun Rules

Before 2020 leaves us at the end of the month, there are a few more gifts it has in store for us. For one, on December 14,2020 there will be a solar eclipse. Depending on where you’re located it may appear full or half of an eclipse. The sun will be in Sagittarius and have an effect on all of us. But how will it affect you?
A total solar eclipse is when the moon completely covers the sun. When this happens during the day, it will appear as if it’s night time. This solar eclipse is linked, working hand and hand with the lunar eclipse we experienced on June 5. Whatever you released then left an empty space that will finally begin to bloom. This brings promise of new beginnings, fresh starts, and opportunities that will set wheels in motion! With the 12/12 Portal just two days before and the Grand Conjunction on the 21st there will be an amplified amount of energy all around. In fact, many may be feeling the shift already as the frequencies this month are very high. Thanks to this event, the power to create and attract things to us (law of attraction) will be amplified. So pay attention to what you may be manifesting including your thoughts!

People born under the signs Capricorn♑️, Gemini♊️, Cancer♋️, and Sagittarius♐️ will be affected most by the total eclipse; especially financially. It is suggested that turning in money matters will help to round up income; and solutions to problems may be found at this time. However, you must adapt and sacrifice to receive this. Not everything will just be handed to you. The eclipse will offer new beginnings and gifts from the universe. It is a hope to shift mindsets and begin to focus on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude. What your vibration gives off you attract whether positive or negative.

How the Solar Eclipse will Affect your Zodiac Sign :
Aries ♈️: You need to put more effort to receive the outcomes you may be manifesting. Obstacles may arise which will lead to delays. You may find that your relationships have some tension. It is advised you control your words and treat business as well as personal relationships with caution.
Taurus ♉️: Health issues may arise during the eclipse. It’s suggested that you avoid processed and unhealthy foods as this will just add to your problems. Family and money will cause tensions to arise; but you must keep a positive mindset! Avoid making any long/short term investments during this time.
Gemini ♊️: Health issues may arise, but they won’t turn out to be serious, only confusing. Relationships with your significant other may also seem a little tense. However, mutual understandings will help disarm it.
Cancer ♋️: This solar eclipse will prove to be beneficial for those cancers with professions and jobs. You will prove to be a good performer and rid yourself of any past issues that you may still have. Be wary of any important decisions and learning you may face. Approach with patience!
Leo ♌️: This eclipse may lead to disharmony in relationships if you’re not careful. Try to handle them emotionally and follow your heart as best as possible. Try to avoid making any rash decisions.
Virgo ♍️: Matters relating to family life may demand more effort from you. Work hard and put in the effort needed at work. You may not see any rewards or benefits at this time; but that doesn’t mean it’s not on the way.
Libra ♎️: The solar eclipse demands cordial and smooth relationships between you and your siblings, as well as seniors. You have important decisions regarding work approaching; but don’t let that bling you from the good news coming your way!
Scorpio ♏️: Your atmosphere at home and health may be thrown for a loop thanks to the eclipse. Try to get strict control over luxuries at this time Scorpio. You may exceed your monthly budget this month.
Sagittarius ♐️: The eclipse, like with so many of the zodiac signs, will have a negative effect on your health. You may have some discomfort with lungs, breathing, wind financial shortage. However, try to avoid borrowing money at this time.
Capricorn ♑️: During the eclipse you may face sudden loss and unexpected expense. It also may have an affect on your health. However, mental stability and patience will help.
Aquarius ♒️: The solar eclipse may cause you to feel uncomfortable. You will gain from the unknown and left over gifts from the universe will arrive as well. Private moments you have with loved ones will give undivided happiness.
Pisces ♓️: At work you may feel uncomfortable during the eclipse. Going through your routine and work causes you to feel awkward as well. Try to reorganize business strategies and you’ll receive your desired outcome.
The sun in Sagittarius helps us to feel more optimistic, adventurous, open minded, and helps to guide our souls towards great opportunities. While the sun will be in Sagittarius, take up the great chance to push yourself beyond your normal boundaries and try something new! In fact, you’re luck will be running on an all time high so realize your true potential. You can do anything you set your mind and heart to! However, a word of warning, the solar eclipse makes it difficult to maintain emotional balance. You may feel yourself become more impulse leading to recklessness. Be careful, and enjoy the solar eclipse. It's just the beginning of what the universe has in store for us!
Check out some of our other articles:
“Four Things to Know About the December 2020 Solar Eclipse.” Sky & Telescope, 27 Aug. 2019,
“Solar Eclipse 2020: How Will the Effect of Solar Eclipse Be on You?” GaneshaSpeaks,
“Sun in Sagittarius: Optimistic, Adventurous, Open-Minded.”,
Tanaaz. “Intuitive Astrology: Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse December 2020.” Forever Conscious, 8 Dec. 2020,