That Little Voice Within

The cold breeze hit the back of her neck causing goosebumps to immediately appear. She was walking down the empty city street in an attempt to get home unscathed. She could feel the anxiety bubbling in the pit of her stomach ever since she walked past the guy a few blocks back. Something in the back of her head said, ‘Careful, he’s not as harmless as he looks.’
We all have that little voice in us. What we call it varies from person to person. Whether a gut feeling, your conscious, or intuition it’s up to us whether we listen to it or not. Tuning into your Intuition can be hard at many times. In today’s society of social media and technology we tend to rely on other things than our own little voice. Intuition is almost bred into our DNA and many people have it! It is the thing that helps in the beginning of your spiritual awakening because knowing yourself is a prime step in making advancements spiritually. In today’s era of looking away or removing oneself from religious conformity, intuition is forgotten and the little things are left in the dust.
Everyone forgets the importance of intuition but let’s get into details about what exactly intuition is! By definition according to Oxford Learner’s dictionary, “Intuition is the ability to know something by using your feelings rather than considering the facts”. Therefore looking away from the black and white and relying on your primal instinct is an ability within itself which people forget is a gift!
On many occasions people have trouble trying to distinguish what is their intuition, and what’s their thoughts. There are ways to tell which is which. For example, your intuition can be heard in different places of your body, not just your head! It can be a gut feeling, in your heart, or of course your head. Your intuition speaks to you in a calm tone without emotion clouding it. Unlike our things your intuition won’t be critical, parental, or loud. This is why you only truly hear your intuition when you're calm, quiet, and at peace. Your mind on the other hand will be loud and emotional. It wants to keep you safe after all it is yourself. However, keeping yourself safe can lead you to remain stagnant in life. Sometimes playing it safe isn’t the best option for you (with reason of course).
Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition:
Listen to your Gut Feeling- your stomach is lined with neurons that many believe cause you to feel sick when you get nervous, or have to make a big decision.
Feel- if you feel like you know/feel something go with it. You don’t always have to question yourself. Have some faith!
Release negative emotions- negative emotions cloud your intuition. Try to release them the best you can. You can do this through meditation or journaling.
Pay attention to things around you- the more information that you gain from the environment around you the more you’ll understand. Your intuition will become clearer and more accurate.
Connect with others- the more you connect and understand those around you the more empathic you are bound to become. With it you’ll be able to understand how to read your feelings better, as well as those around you.

That old saying of “listen to your gut” is 100% because that gut feeling is your intuition. If something tells you not to buy a product despite the facts of beneficial uses then don’t buy the product. In the long run that intuitive decision could help you avoid a major problem or years worth of short term solutions.
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Works Cited “How To Know The Difference Between Your Intuition And Your Thoughts.” I Heart LOA, 14 Apr. 2020,
“The Mind vs The Inner Voice & Intuition: How Do You Tell the Difference?” ABSTRACTED COLLECTIVE, 22 Nov. 2019,
Young, Karen, et al. “9 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition (And Why You'll Want To).” Hey Sigmund, 17 Aug. 2020,