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Let Us Ascend!

Writer: Silver liningSilver lining

Between the Great Conjunction and the new year there’s no doubt it feels like lifes changed. After December 21, all of humanity began their ascension to the 5 dimension, but what does that actually entail? The last time that all the planets were in alignment was December 21, 2012. This was the beginning of the ascension from 3D to 5D. However, let’s start at the beginning before we find out where we’re going!

2D is the dimension where shape first begins to take form. Though shape is formed that’s all there is no thought to go along with it until you reach the 3D. In this next dimension is where we find the human consciousness. In 3D awakening and self realization begins. However, there is little to no communication with your spiritual essence. This means one has little to no communication with spirit either. Spiritual transcendence is any dimension beyond 3D. This is the understanding of things going beyond self, others, space, and time.

The 4D is the fourth dimension, also known as the dimension of thought and emotion. While in this one we still have access to the 3D and also the 5D. We are currently in this dimension, for the most part. While here we begin to understand our spiritual essence and can use it. For example, many begin to learn how to manifest what they want to come towards them. The idea of good and bad is still apparent, but we have an awareness that judgement falls upon us individually. We begin to start paying attention to things other than simply ourselves, but also our effects on others such as the environment. We also begin to have strong desires to follow our passions and find our lives' purpose. The ascension to the 5D is not guaranteed for everyone. It’s based on the individual and the energy that they are giving off. For example, if you are giving off negative thoughts and energy you will fall back to 3D. However, if you are positive, showing joy/gratitude for what you have and what’s to come; and truly trying to work with the Law of Attraction you’ll be able to continue your ascension to the 5D.

The 5D is the first of many higher spiritual dimensions. This dimension is available to all humans on Earth, but not guaranteed. In this dimension we see the world slightly different than our own. This gives us a means of measuring the similarities and differences between our world and other possible ones. The only obstacle we must overcome to do this is our own mind. One must overcome their own beliefs, addictions, fears, and even ego! In order to prepare you must first let go of negative emotions you may be holding onto. They no longer serve you. It’s ok to grieve, it is a way of healing. Pain does nothing to help you, but block energy that is there for your aid. In the 5D our brain enters the zero point field. This gives the brain access to limitless information. To enter this main portal your third eye must be activated bringing a greater connection to the natural world while also increasing clarity, intuition, focus, and raising your creativity.

Once you’ve ascended to this dimension you can’t go back, but

you won’t want to. You will be connected to everything. Colors will be more vibrant, things will have more details and texture. Your life will become an adventure of growth. You’ll understand that everyone is equal with their own life path. Thanks to this mindset we understand more about individualism causing there to be more respect among us. With that comes harmony, happiness, and true feeling of being interconnected.

Signs you are ascending to the 5D:

  • Time feels sped up or slowed down. This is usually a sign that things are back into movement, and whatever has been on hold is coming through quickly.

  • You feel like you can no longer tolerate resisting the need to change your life. You no longer have a choice and need to begin focusing on change.

  • It feels like something is lifting/shifting which is causing you to have a clearer mind. You may even begin to feel grounded, peaceful, and begin having different reactions to things.

  • You’re learning lessons from upsets in the past and are healing from them.

  • You’ve begun to see the humanity in others and can see things from their point of view. This helps to bring you more patience.

  • You’ve begun to see more signs and synchronicities confirming you’re on the right path.

  • You may feel more body aches.

  • You may find yourself redefining and aligning relationships.

  • You have increased creativity and may even want to change careers.

Common ascension symptoms:

  • Headaches/Migraines: this is your brain forming new neural pathways. With this you may begin developing new thought patterns.

  • Spiritual Flu: this is an energetic sickness that can last from 24-48 hours. Also known as spiritual fire. It’s suggested you cleanse to clear yourself and surroundings of any toxic energy.

  • Dizziness: occurs around cosmic events such as a solar eclipse (wink wink). Ground yourself by ‘breathing through your feet’ or root chakra. Grounding crystals may help!

  • Ears ringing: you may be hearing high vibrational sounds that

  • Heart Palpitations: Gland of spiritual awakening.

  • Blurry/Sore Eyes: your eyes may feel inflamed/sore. This is due to your expanding intuition and psychic abilities. Guided meditation may help with this.

  • Waking up between 2-4am: during this time you are more receptive to hearing the voice of the soul. This helps you to gain greater clarity. You may even astral travel when you return to sleep.

  • Sore muscles/joints: this is the feeling of toxic energy leaving your body.

  • Clumsiness: your paradigm is being challenged. You may begin feeling like your old ways are no longer serving you. With this you’re being called to change your ways.

  • Anxiety: you need to look after yourself. Especially if you are an Empath you may feel overwhelmed by others emotions. Try not to take on what’s not yours to deal with.

  • Inability to sleep: overthinking may lead to insomnia.

Human perspective is constantly changing. After ascending to 5D and even the journey towards it you may begin tapping into psychic abilities you didn’t even know you had! For example, clairaudience and your intuition. Begin operating from your soul rather than your mind. If you have a gut feeling about something listen to it; allow your heart to guide you. Things that are meant for you will feel calming, easy, and effortless. If you feel indecisive then the answer is no, or not right now. Embrace this new way of life rather than running from it there’s only up from here!

Check out some of our other articles!

The Grand Conjunction


Third Eye


Gheysari, Priya Assal. “Access to the 5th Dimension (5D).” Medium, Medium, 26 July 2020,


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