Welcome To A New Era | The Grand Conjunction

Have you ever looked up at the night sky? Just laid on the ground and stared up at the stars? Let your mind wander to all the possibilities that lay just beyond our atmosphere? The galaxies and planets are out of reach to us yet have such a large on us. On December 21, 2020 the Grand Conjunction will take place. Saturn and Jupiter will be the closest they have been since 1623. The two planets appear to be touching and will shine brighter than any star in the sky. However, what does this all mean?
How the Grand Conjunction Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign:
Aries: You are asked to look closer at your connections with friends and do more within your community. Learn to build something beautiful via collaboration with others. Become part of a group. You don’t always have to do it all on your own!
Taurus: Learn to think outside of the box. You’ve become too comfortable in your day of life and way of thinking. You need to start building a stronger foundation for yourself. Create new boundaries and widen your comfort zone; especially in your work environment.
Gemini: You are on your way to becoming even more enlightened Gemini, even if that doesn’t seem possible! Thanks to the conjunction you are on your way to unconventional new horizons that will lead to new boundaries within your spirituality. The knowledge you gather will help you expand. So if you're drawn to taking new classes or books go for it! Let nothing stand in your way.
Cancer: It is time for you to find new ways to be vulnerable while also keeping your boundaries. The tough lessons you’ve had to go through were to help you learn whether they were emotional or financial. It is time for you to develop your inner warrior. Be open to new ways to heal and connect with others.
Leo: I hope you’re ready Leo, you’re on your way to new freedoms in your love life! If you’re in a relationship you’ll begin redefining rules of your partnership that way be unconventional. However, if you’re single be more open minded! Tough lessons are there for you to learn from. They’re there to teach you how to compromise which is exactly what you need to feel free in love.
Virgo: As the new era that Saturn and Jupiter bring in it brings you new responsibilities. You don’t have to say yes to everything that is asked of you. If you do it will bring expense to your well-being. Try to break your routine in order to make room for new duties.
Libra: It’s time for you to get serious Libra, and DREAM BIG! Nothing thrives without structure and discipline. Buckle down and get ready to put the work in.
Scorpio: Like with so many the conjunction will cause you to examine the foundation of your family, home life, and childhood. What has been working and what hasn’t? Once you’ve fixed this you have the chance to rebuild your image of safety and connection. Get ready to feel more stable Scorpio. You deserve it!
Sagittarius: The time has come for you to begin rethinking your approach to things. Instead of being quick to input your opinion listen more. Information that you normally wouldn’t hear will lead to breakthroughs. You’ll begin finding new ways to connect with others and things around you.
Capricorn: Thanks to the Conjunction you’ll begin to feel the weight lift off of you. Take advantage of this! Sharpen your finances you are in for some major luck. However, this doesn’t invite you to go on a shopping spree. Have discipline when it comes to your finances!
Aquarius: Get ready Aquarius you’re in for some major blessings, lessons, and life changes. Listen to Saturn’s teachings. Your past challenges/failures are opportunities for you to grow and feel more confident. You are powerful and exactly where you should be.
Pisces: You are in for steady growth, expansion, and clean up thanks to the two meeting planets. It’s time to get rid of that lingering baggage that’s been weighing you down. Whether a person or things around you they’re toxic and it’s time to let it go. Be willing to listen to your higher self. Also trust AND listen to your heart! You ARE ready.
The great shift is inching closer to us day by day. Thanks to the Solstice and the Solar eclipse on the 14 you have all the power in the world to make the changes you need. Don’t be afraid, and don’t settle. It’s up to you how you approach change. It’s never meant to punish you, just help you learn and grow. Good luck and enjoy!
Read some of our other articles:
Kahn, Nina. “The Great Conjunction Is Coming & It's A Big Deal For All Zodiac Signs.” Bustle, Bustle, 13 Nov. 2020, www.bustle.com/life/great-conjunction-2020-aquarius-affects-zodiac-signs.
Tanaaz. “The Cosmic and Spiritual Significance of December 21, 2020.” Higher Self Portal, 9 Oct. 2020, higherselfportal.com/the-cosmic-and-spiritual-significance-of-december-21-2020/.
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